I know you've felt like saying that sometimes during class....maybe you HAVE said it during class, but what happens when an instructor reminds you to breathe?
You probably become aware that you were holding your breath or that you had lost control of the pattern of your breathing or a calmness flows thru you because you ARE consciously BREATHING! Even when you feel like screaming because we are saying it AGAIN you become aware of your breath and that's all you have to do in yoga! YEP let your breath be your guide!
IF you truly listen to your body it will always tell you exactly what it needs, what is feeling good, what is feeling not so good. It will allow you to go deeper or it will tell you that's fine it's enough right now. Why is that we can listen to someone else tell us those things but we cannot listen to our own body!? Hopefully when you come to your mat that is one of the lessons you are learning....to slow down and really listen to what you need, it's all right there, whispering to you.
We are all on a journey, we all go on different paths, some of us get lost and wander off but find our way. When we aren't sure at times which way to go we may stop and ask friends or strangers for directions or "what would you do" (or if you are a guy you may never ask for directions) But again, we ask someone else for something about OUR life and sometimes we listen and depending on the answer you may still be lost! Guess what? We had the MAP all the time!
We are all born with a map it's called your BREATH!
God Breathed into Adam's nostrils and he became a living being!
We have all been given that same LIFE and BREATH!
So why in the world don't we listen to it. Have you ever noticed HOW you are breathing when you are pondering on something? Is your breath shallow or deep? Is it rapid or calm? Are you lungs even filling, or is your belly fully rising and falling? IF you slow down and really become aware of your breath it will tell you ever time what is right and what is wrong for you in that moment. We all are given this gift we just have to tap into it.
Slow down today.....enjoy the colors of fall.....BREATHE in the crisp fall air....feel the sun on your face. Know that you are special and that you have the answers if you slow down enough to become aware.
Come to your mat this weekend, become aware of your breathe, learn to use this innate gift, I promise you, you will never regret it!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Outdoor Yoga, Watercolors & Wine, Thai Partner Yoga...OH my!
Yoga can be up confronting, it can even make you feel uncomfortable at the beginning but then something magical happens. You decide to really listen to your body, to slow down the thoughts that seem to take over your mind, you start to feel the your breathe and how it can actually move you and transform....REALLY!?
What are you waiting for? We've been having a great time this summer! YES the heat is on INSIDE and OUTSIDE but these are the best times to practice a little patience! Summertime seems to be one of the busiest times of the year so why not SLOW DOWN!
Yoga can teach you to honor yourself, to be "Selfish" (to think of self so you can give of yourself more or less). What are you doing that keeps you from being who you want to be? One of the biggest life lessons I have learned from yoga is the act of slowing down and to truly be still (no comments from those of you who know me and my ADD very well!) Some days it's just about sitting in the meditation room quieting the mind, other days it's pushing my body to make the reconnection between mind and body....but it's all yoga...!
We have a great time here....I am so blessed to have such great people that come thru these doors...they truly make the "house" a "home"! Such a cliche' I know but if you haven't experienced it then come here and you really will see and feel what we mean!
I am so thankful for those of you who make the drive, who come in the heat, who scramble to leave work to make a class, to everyone who at least tries our hot yoga, YOU are why we are here! We have lots of opportunities for you to come...not sure about yoga...how about come meet our gang at another event....arts, Thai, Tie-Dye, movie night....maybe a RV ASANA trip? We have lots of chances for you to just come visit hang with us and see what makes yoga different from anything you have ever done!
Again, Thank You for coming. My husband always laughs at me and says that I opened Hot Yoga House so I can invite people in, to love on people, and to laugh more and I'm glad he is right! (he's an accountant so that says a lot!)
Trying to post pictures of all our recent events! Not computer saavy so be patient!
See you soon!
hot yoga house,
Thai yoga,
tie-dye party,
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Lessons Learned from a Clock

I was asked to put this on the blog and I had to laugh because I am such a horrible writer, I write like I talk so it gets a little "wordy" (no comments) but it was something I mentioned in class during your final savasana...maybe you can relate..maybe it will mean something to you...if so I am glad and if not I'm still glad!
I celebrated my 15th wedding anniversary this week and did you know that it's the year of the "clock"?! You know that thing that Hallmark probably came up with I'm not sure but each year there's a special gift....your 1st anniverary is PAPER...your 5th anniversary is WOOD?....25th anniversary SILVER...and 50th anniversary of course your GOLDEN!
How in the world do people come up with these? It got me really thinking...Hummm....1st anniversary okay PAPER? Maybe to write down all those blissful wonderful things to each other because heck it's your 1st year of marriage and you are still in that in love stage that the other can do no wrong...RIGHT!
And maybe I get your 50th and why it's GOLDEN..Gold is a precious metal, something refined, smooth all those rough ages are soft, worn and comfortable...I can get GOLDEN! But really 15 years is a CLOCK? What's up with that?
Well maybe because at 15 years it's not been THAT long since you've been a newlywed. You can still remember how sweet things were, marriage is still young, maybe your just getting settled in. But yet it's been long enough where maybe you are looking into your future, retirement or maybe you have kids and they are getting older so you can start to see life as a "couple" again.
SO maybe that's where this CLOCK comes in....it reminds you to be in the PRESENT....stop looking back, you can't change it, it's shaped you into who you are as a person and a couple, and stop looking into the future, it will happen EXACTLY how it's suppose to happen so don't rush it..enjoy the PRESENT...a CLOCK...TIME...BE IN THE MOMENT!
Yep I don't know if time on the mat has taught me to live in the moment or if at times I've been so busy looking back and waiting for the future that I forgot the MOMENT! Maybe we all need a big clock that just states "It's Your Time".
You are exactly where you are suppose to be so be in it!
Give a clock...slow down...Love life....Breathe
I'd love to hear from you....share your ideas/thoughts....blessings to each of you!
hot yoga,
hot yoga house,
nashville hot yoga
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Calling it "Home"
If I am being honest (satya) I was feeling a tad bit under appreciated. I know that sounds horrible doesn't it! I have so much to be thankful for..health and happiness RIGHT!? (you get the idea that I am trying to talk myself into it) But really how many times can you pick up the same clothes, make the same beds, put the same dishes in the dishwasher and then still hear "where are my clothes" and "what's for dinner!" Needless to say I was EAGER to leave my home with my kids who aren't "officially" out of school till tomorrow to get to Hot Yoga House and teach that core class...THERE someone will appreciate me RIGHT...I would feel better...RIGHT...???
I have to say I walked in and had to laugh when I started my same routine of picking up trash and putting up mats but instead of feeling under appreciated I suddenly felt calm, peace and true Happiness...I know you aren't going to believe me but it hit me like a ton of bricks OR some 2 lb hand weights sitting in a cubby! I truly love that people come here and it feels like "HOME"! It's a place where yes you come to sweat and burn a few calories but I really believe most of you come because you enjoy spending time with everyone here, a place where Melanie said it just feels right to take your shoes off...and that you do!
So THANK YOU for coming and making me part of your life....I APPRECIATE you and if you are ever feeling overwhelmed and that what you do doesn't matter...just come to the "house" take a little time on the mat, chat with some friends maybe make a few new ones, I PROMISE you will ALWAYS be glad you did! (and if that doesn't work I can always throw a 2 lb weight your way!)
hot yoga,
hot yoga house,
karma yoga,
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Haiti...We are BACK!
I am so glad to be back at the "house" with you!
Haiti was amazing.....that may sound odd but it really was! God held us in His hands thru-out this trip and may you get touched by a photograph, a word, a thought.....
Can you help every person?
Can you change a life?
YES....even your own!
How do you feel?
Grateful, overwhelmed, in awe
Just to keep this short, some of you know I have been before and I can truly say that these people are healthier than in years past. That YOU can make a difference. We didn't see as many infections, we didn't see as much typhod fever or malaria that we had in the past. We saw ALOT of allergies (humm sound familiar) We didn't see the malnutrition or as much scabies........things CAN get better....it's just going to take a lot of time,money,education and servants.
We saw over 2100 patients in 4 1/2 days of clinic. Everyone got things we take for granted here i.e tylenol, tums. Everyone got de-wormed, everyone got a loving hand and simply an ear to listen to them and for them to know "WE SEE YOU"! The medical mission trip saw it's UPS and DOWNS...and sometimes REALLY REALLY HIGH and then at times REALLY REALLY LOW. We had a mom from Port Au Prince who lost her twins at 21 weeks, God put Lori on our team who has been an OB nurse for 25 years that could ease her pain and hold her hand. We helped with burial, dressed her wounds, gave her a loving hand and fed her. Then we were able to send 12 people to a hospital about 2 hours away, where earlier in the week we met a team of SURGEONS that just happened to be there that week. They were able to do 10 of these surgeries (and only cost $600!) We gave away hundreds of jars of peanut butter to feed their family and can't tell you how many toys we gave away (I have a great video of that but have no idea how to post)We put several on high blood pressure meds and have a nurse and clinic in the village for their follow up. Dr Joe took off skin tags and removed extra digits. We rubbed countless babies down for scabies and tons of other things!
Could have we done more....I don't know? We saw as many as we could AND then some.
Are their lives changed? Today anyway.
We have a long way to go! Be grateful for what you have, but on that same note, don't feel sorry for these people..... meaning it's the "Haitian way" that is how one of our interpreters put it. When we were devastated for the young mom who lost her twins, he try to ease our sadness by telling us God takes care of them, and it all happens exactly how it is suppose to. We can't let OUR way of life be THEIR way of life, it's not. They are so proud, they are so grateful, they are some of the kindest people you will ever find.
I have posted a "slideshow" on the blog. I will have more pictures later, these were just the ones on my phone.
Thank you so much for your prayers and patience while I was away, I couldn't have served the village of Petit Bourge without a "family" like you! I am truly blessed and grateful for each of you!
Haiti was amazing.....that may sound odd but it really was! God held us in His hands thru-out this trip and may you get touched by a photograph, a word, a thought.....
Can you help every person?
Can you change a life?
YES....even your own!
How do you feel?
Grateful, overwhelmed, in awe
Just to keep this short, some of you know I have been before and I can truly say that these people are healthier than in years past. That YOU can make a difference. We didn't see as many infections, we didn't see as much typhod fever or malaria that we had in the past. We saw ALOT of allergies (humm sound familiar) We didn't see the malnutrition or as much scabies........things CAN get better....it's just going to take a lot of time,money,education and servants.
We saw over 2100 patients in 4 1/2 days of clinic. Everyone got things we take for granted here i.e tylenol, tums. Everyone got de-wormed, everyone got a loving hand and simply an ear to listen to them and for them to know "WE SEE YOU"! The medical mission trip saw it's UPS and DOWNS...and sometimes REALLY REALLY HIGH and then at times REALLY REALLY LOW. We had a mom from Port Au Prince who lost her twins at 21 weeks, God put Lori on our team who has been an OB nurse for 25 years that could ease her pain and hold her hand. We helped with burial, dressed her wounds, gave her a loving hand and fed her. Then we were able to send 12 people to a hospital about 2 hours away, where earlier in the week we met a team of SURGEONS that just happened to be there that week. They were able to do 10 of these surgeries (and only cost $600!) We gave away hundreds of jars of peanut butter to feed their family and can't tell you how many toys we gave away (I have a great video of that but have no idea how to post)We put several on high blood pressure meds and have a nurse and clinic in the village for their follow up. Dr Joe took off skin tags and removed extra digits. We rubbed countless babies down for scabies and tons of other things!
Could have we done more....I don't know? We saw as many as we could AND then some.
Are their lives changed? Today anyway.
We have a long way to go! Be grateful for what you have, but on that same note, don't feel sorry for these people..... meaning it's the "Haitian way" that is how one of our interpreters put it. When we were devastated for the young mom who lost her twins, he try to ease our sadness by telling us God takes care of them, and it all happens exactly how it is suppose to. We can't let OUR way of life be THEIR way of life, it's not. They are so proud, they are so grateful, they are some of the kindest people you will ever find.
I have posted a "slideshow" on the blog. I will have more pictures later, these were just the ones on my phone.
Thank you so much for your prayers and patience while I was away, I couldn't have served the village of Petit Bourge without a "family" like you! I am truly blessed and grateful for each of you!
hot yoga house,
petit bourge,
st bertin
Friday, April 9, 2010
Lead with your Heart
Aligning Anahata
In every yoga pose, when there is a bend at the hips, the instruction is to "lead with the heart." It's a measure that physically insures the spine stays aligned and the neck muscles are not over-exerted. But it's also a life-lesson, one that underpins all yoga philosophy.
In yoga anatomy, the heart chakra balances the three chakras below and three above it in union. Also called the Anahata chakra, which translates to "untouched" or "unstruck," the implication is that the heart remains pure no matter what you encounter. It can be challenging to accept this as true. But when you become aware that the mind influences how you see things, a space opens that allows you to recognize the heart's purity. You also align yourself to the precise reason for letting the heart lead the way. The ancient yogis knew that every one of us has the capability to be holy. All it takes is a willingness to listen to your heart.
In every yoga pose, when there is a bend at the hips, the instruction is to "lead with the heart." It's a measure that physically insures the spine stays aligned and the neck muscles are not over-exerted. But it's also a life-lesson, one that underpins all yoga philosophy.
In yoga anatomy, the heart chakra balances the three chakras below and three above it in union. Also called the Anahata chakra, which translates to "untouched" or "unstruck," the implication is that the heart remains pure no matter what you encounter. It can be challenging to accept this as true. But when you become aware that the mind influences how you see things, a space opens that allows you to recognize the heart's purity. You also align yourself to the precise reason for letting the heart lead the way. The ancient yogis knew that every one of us has the capability to be holy. All it takes is a willingness to listen to your heart.
hot yoga,
hot yoga house,
Friday, March 12, 2010
Great ENERGY at the "House"
Spring is IN THE AIR and it's blowing in the "house" this week!
Classes this week were amazing! The shared energy this week was so strong, uplifting, positive, contagious, inviting...I could go on and on but you have to almost be there to "get it"! IF you were in class this week PLEASE post your comments, because if I say it, it's like your mom telling you something (I know we really don't listen do we)?
I know some of you are rolling your eyes saying "oh no Misty getting into that energy stuff I just want to do yoga!" But think about the last time you were around someone who was negative, complained, nothing was "right". How did you feel? Did you find yourself going downhill with them? Well if you said YES than guess what...that's NEGATIVE energy and you are allowing him or her drag you down.
Why are we so quick to understand that, but when it comes to being around like-minded souls with positive energy we say "oh man they are in there trying to levitate now" (hey I've heard it!) We ARE energy beings, take the simple fact that you have to replinish your electrolytes after class! They aren't called "electrolytes" because it sounds cool....we actually NEED those vitamins to keep the body and mind MOVING to keep us alive.
SO don't under estimate the power of a yoga class.....don't make excuses to not come to your mat....don't ever think you aren't going to get exactly what you need in class....we ALL NEED ENERGY we all NEED POSITIVE in our life, so come to the "house" just try us.....if you haven't been here....come, FEEL the positive souls that come thru our doors, you will NEVER regret it!
Classes this week were amazing! The shared energy this week was so strong, uplifting, positive, contagious, inviting...I could go on and on but you have to almost be there to "get it"! IF you were in class this week PLEASE post your comments, because if I say it, it's like your mom telling you something (I know we really don't listen do we)?
I know some of you are rolling your eyes saying "oh no Misty getting into that energy stuff I just want to do yoga!" But think about the last time you were around someone who was negative, complained, nothing was "right". How did you feel? Did you find yourself going downhill with them? Well if you said YES than guess what...that's NEGATIVE energy and you are allowing him or her drag you down.
Why are we so quick to understand that, but when it comes to being around like-minded souls with positive energy we say "oh man they are in there trying to levitate now" (hey I've heard it!) We ARE energy beings, take the simple fact that you have to replinish your electrolytes after class! They aren't called "electrolytes" because it sounds cool....we actually NEED those vitamins to keep the body and mind MOVING to keep us alive.
SO don't under estimate the power of a yoga class.....don't make excuses to not come to your mat....don't ever think you aren't going to get exactly what you need in class....we ALL NEED ENERGY we all NEED POSITIVE in our life, so come to the "house" just try us.....if you haven't been here....come, FEEL the positive souls that come thru our doors, you will NEVER regret it!
Friday, March 5, 2010
March IN!
Wow so many wonderful things happening at the "house!"
Teacher Training coming to Hot Yoga House has been a dream of mine since I first opened the yoga studio. I love to share yoga and by sharing it with alike minded people who want to in-turn share makes that dream a reality! Yoga truly can be for everyone, no maybe not "hot" yoga but that's just the physical part of yoga. Living yoga should be our intention.
But what does that really mean? Well simply put you've all heard it before, follow the "Golden Rule"...treat others nicely....be kinder....more gentle....less harmful...slow down....breathe...find patience.....UGH sometimes those are just to dang hard aren't they! I mean let's be real...people cut you off while driving, you get stuck in traffic, there's that certain co-worker, a kid who just won't cooperate...the list could go on and on! BUT what all of those situations are, are just simply opportunities to see how you react to each situation. It's your chance to LIVE out your yoga...take it off the mat....maybe don't react to the person who is driving on your bumper...just breathe!
It's exciting to see all the new faces and I am so pleased that my "regulars" have reached out and made all our new folks feel like family. I love to see hugs, smiles and well wishes as new folks come in...it's like a big family...all cheering each other on.
Love to you all on this BEAUTIFUL March day...The SUN FINALLY!
See you at the "house!"
Teacher Training coming to Hot Yoga House has been a dream of mine since I first opened the yoga studio. I love to share yoga and by sharing it with alike minded people who want to in-turn share makes that dream a reality! Yoga truly can be for everyone, no maybe not "hot" yoga but that's just the physical part of yoga. Living yoga should be our intention.
But what does that really mean? Well simply put you've all heard it before, follow the "Golden Rule"...treat others nicely....be kinder....more gentle....less harmful...slow down....breathe...find patience.....UGH sometimes those are just to dang hard aren't they! I mean let's be real...people cut you off while driving, you get stuck in traffic, there's that certain co-worker, a kid who just won't cooperate...the list could go on and on! BUT what all of those situations are, are just simply opportunities to see how you react to each situation. It's your chance to LIVE out your yoga...take it off the mat....maybe don't react to the person who is driving on your bumper...just breathe!
It's exciting to see all the new faces and I am so pleased that my "regulars" have reached out and made all our new folks feel like family. I love to see hugs, smiles and well wishes as new folks come in...it's like a big family...all cheering each other on.
Love to you all on this BEAUTIFUL March day...The SUN FINALLY!
See you at the "house!"
hot yoga,
hot yoga house,
karma yoga,
yoga alliance
Friday, February 5, 2010
What kind of yoga do we do at Hot Yoga House?
What a loaded question….let me tell you what we do and then YOU come and do a little yoga!!
Hatha Yoga by definition is “HA” meaning “sun” and “THA” meaning “moon”, hatha yoga can be translated as the yoga that brings “union to the pairs of opposites”. Sometimes it’s translated into the “forceful yoga” because it is the most physical type of yoga. This type of yoga is the most popular in the west.
Hot Yoga House’s definition of the hatha yoga we do? We have power classes, iron classes, fast tempo classes and they are HOT to get you more flexible so you are able to go deeper “physically” but then we “pair the opposites” as we cool you down and take you to a state of calm and peace, maybe even stepping into the meditation room to go a little deeper still
Karma Yoga basically consists of entirely selfless service, where ego is given up to serve God in everything, be it man, animal or planet. It’s about doing the right thing.
Hot Yoga House’s Karma yoga? Well it’s the countless people at the studio who give their time and talents to create a place where everyone feels welcome. It’s Robin who paints and decorates without wanting a thank you, it’s Ron who makes shelves and fixes lights, it’s Sherrie who brings toys and has even taken laundry home, it’s Keith who shoveled snow so everyone could park safely, it’s Michael who spent hours working on a pond just so we could enjoy the sounds of the waterfall, it’s Rupert who makes fabulous meals for us to enjoy at our get togethers… WELL….it’s SO MANY wonderful people who make up the “house” you’d have to come and meet them all!
Bhakti Yoga by definition is pure spiritual devotion of love for God which is Love
Hot Yoga House’s Bhakti yoga? This is very personal for each person who enters. For ME the physical part of hatha yoga gave me an opportunity to SLOW DOWN from the busy lifestyle and truly focus on what’s important. I was able to come to a place after my asana practice and BE STILL! If you come into our meditation room you will see posted over the door “Be still and know that I am God” Psalms 46:10 because for me yoga allowed me to be still enough to spend time with God. I often say you can’t minister to others until you minister to yourself, come and spend 75 or 90 minutes on getting filled so that you can give to others.
Ashtanga yoga purifies the mind thru 8 steps or “limbs”..the 8 Limb Path:
Yamas (control), Niyamas(rules of conduct), Asanas (postures), Pranyama (control of breath), Pratyahara (withdrawal of sensory perception), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (uninterrupted meditation), and Samadhi (complete equilibrium)
Hot Yoga House’s Ashtanga yoga? We strive to be on this path and we aren’t necessarily walking together, we are all at different places but on the same path. But at some point we strive for these in every class. For example, we all want to be good people (Yamas and Niyamas). We practice Dharana (concentration) thru the asana practice, think of when we do bow! AND I don’t’ know anyone who has practiced hot yoga that wouldn’t tell you that it takes meditation to get thru the class! It’s a moving meditation during the practice and then stillness at the end.
We practice this and so much more at Hot Yoga House. There are so many more things I could say but to truly feel yoga in all of these examples just come in...that’s all…..just come in….let yourself be bathed in the love and compassion of our house, I promise you will leave with much more then you came in with!
Hatha Yoga by definition is “HA” meaning “sun” and “THA” meaning “moon”, hatha yoga can be translated as the yoga that brings “union to the pairs of opposites”. Sometimes it’s translated into the “forceful yoga” because it is the most physical type of yoga. This type of yoga is the most popular in the west.
Hot Yoga House’s definition of the hatha yoga we do? We have power classes, iron classes, fast tempo classes and they are HOT to get you more flexible so you are able to go deeper “physically” but then we “pair the opposites” as we cool you down and take you to a state of calm and peace, maybe even stepping into the meditation room to go a little deeper still
Karma Yoga basically consists of entirely selfless service, where ego is given up to serve God in everything, be it man, animal or planet. It’s about doing the right thing.
Hot Yoga House’s Karma yoga? Well it’s the countless people at the studio who give their time and talents to create a place where everyone feels welcome. It’s Robin who paints and decorates without wanting a thank you, it’s Ron who makes shelves and fixes lights, it’s Sherrie who brings toys and has even taken laundry home, it’s Keith who shoveled snow so everyone could park safely, it’s Michael who spent hours working on a pond just so we could enjoy the sounds of the waterfall, it’s Rupert who makes fabulous meals for us to enjoy at our get togethers… WELL….it’s SO MANY wonderful people who make up the “house” you’d have to come and meet them all!
Bhakti Yoga by definition is pure spiritual devotion of love for God which is Love
Hot Yoga House’s Bhakti yoga? This is very personal for each person who enters. For ME the physical part of hatha yoga gave me an opportunity to SLOW DOWN from the busy lifestyle and truly focus on what’s important. I was able to come to a place after my asana practice and BE STILL! If you come into our meditation room you will see posted over the door “Be still and know that I am God” Psalms 46:10 because for me yoga allowed me to be still enough to spend time with God. I often say you can’t minister to others until you minister to yourself, come and spend 75 or 90 minutes on getting filled so that you can give to others.
Ashtanga yoga purifies the mind thru 8 steps or “limbs”..the 8 Limb Path:
Yamas (control), Niyamas(rules of conduct), Asanas (postures), Pranyama (control of breath), Pratyahara (withdrawal of sensory perception), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (uninterrupted meditation), and Samadhi (complete equilibrium)
Hot Yoga House’s Ashtanga yoga? We strive to be on this path and we aren’t necessarily walking together, we are all at different places but on the same path. But at some point we strive for these in every class. For example, we all want to be good people (Yamas and Niyamas). We practice Dharana (concentration) thru the asana practice, think of when we do bow! AND I don’t’ know anyone who has practiced hot yoga that wouldn’t tell you that it takes meditation to get thru the class! It’s a moving meditation during the practice and then stillness at the end.
We practice this and so much more at Hot Yoga House. There are so many more things I could say but to truly feel yoga in all of these examples just come in...that’s all…..just come in….let yourself be bathed in the love and compassion of our house, I promise you will leave with much more then you came in with!
bhakti yoga,
hatha yoga,
hot yoga house,
karma yoga
Friday, January 15, 2010
Haiti Donation Classes THIS WEEKEND
Our church goes to Haiti every year on a few mission trips. ONE is a medical mission trip, one is a Dental mission trip and another for a school mission trip. Our church is very involved with the people of Haiti! I went a few years ago and it changed my life, while we were there we treated over 600 people in 6 short days and saw more life than I could ever put into words.
Ironically our medical mission trip was already planning to go to Haiti NEXT week and is still planning on making this trip. The team needs prayers....it's already very difficult to get the medication in for the people of Haiti and now with everything happening our team will have even a more difficult time.
I am unable to go this year but feel strongly the desire to help this team in some way! SO one thing I'd like to do is give....so I am making ALL CLASSES THIS WEEKEND DONATION BASED CLASSES!!
All weekend we will be taking donations AND I will be giving this DIRECTLY to the doctors and nurses going on the Our Lady of the Lake medical mission trip. I can promise you that your donations will go directly to those in need NO middle man. Many of the people that create this team are people who live in these villages... from interpretors to the drivers to the cooks and ALL have been touched SO our team will be able to personally take our donations and see first hand what it can do.
So please keep that in mind this weekend.....and again God is still wooing me, I'm not quite sure SO if I take off and am gone next week you know where I might be...after all I kept that nursing license for something!
Ironically our medical mission trip was already planning to go to Haiti NEXT week and is still planning on making this trip. The team needs prayers....it's already very difficult to get the medication in for the people of Haiti and now with everything happening our team will have even a more difficult time.
I am unable to go this year but feel strongly the desire to help this team in some way! SO one thing I'd like to do is give....so I am making ALL CLASSES THIS WEEKEND DONATION BASED CLASSES!!
All weekend we will be taking donations AND I will be giving this DIRECTLY to the doctors and nurses going on the Our Lady of the Lake medical mission trip. I can promise you that your donations will go directly to those in need NO middle man. Many of the people that create this team are people who live in these villages... from interpretors to the drivers to the cooks and ALL have been touched SO our team will be able to personally take our donations and see first hand what it can do.
So please keep that in mind this weekend.....and again God is still wooing me, I'm not quite sure SO if I take off and am gone next week you know where I might be...after all I kept that nursing license for something!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Laughing at yourself....
Okay this is from Robin (one of our more quiet clients so you may not have met her) she said she sometimes feels this way about Hot Yoga...NOW I am just wondering if she is calling me Satan under her breathe...Enjoy the laugh! PS For a funny actual account of someone's FIRST visit to Hot Yoga House check out Jennifer Johnson's blog on our site.
If you read this without laughing out loud, there is something wrong with you This is dedicated to everyone who ever attempted to get into a regular workout routine.
Dear Diary,
For my birthday this year, I purchased a week of personal training at the local health club. Although I am still in great shape since being a high school football cheerleader 43 years ago, I decided it would be a good idea to go ahead and give it a try.I called the club and made my reservations with a personal trainer named Christo, who identified himself as a 26-year-old aerobics instructor and model for athletic clothing and swim wear.Friends seemed pleased with my enthusiasm to get started! The club encouraged me to keep a diary to chart my progress.
Started my day at 6:00 a.m. Tough to get out of bed, but found it was well worth it when I arrived at the health club to find Christo waiting for me. He is something of a Greek god-- with blond hair, dancing eyes, and a dazzling white smile. Woo Hoo!!
Christo gave me a tour and showed me the machines.. I enjoyed watching the skillful way in which he conducted his aerobics class after my workout today. Very inspiring!
Christo was encouraging as I did my sit-ups, although my gut was already aching from holding it in the whole time he was around. This is going to be a FANTASTIC week!!
I drank a whole pot of coffee, but I finally made it out the door. Christo made me lie on my back and push a heavy iron bar into the air then he put weights on it! My legs were a little wobbly on the treadmill, but I made the full mile. His rewarding smile made it all worthwhile. I feel GREAT! It's a whole new life for me.
The only way I can brush my teeth is by laying the toothbrush on the counter and moving my mouth back and forth over it. I believe I have a hernia in both pectorals. Driving was OK as long as I didn't try to steer or stop. I parked on top of a GEO in the club parking lot.
Christo was impatient with me, insisting that my screams bothered other club members.. His voice is a little too perky for that early in the morning and when he scolds, he gets this nasally whine that is VERY annoying.
My chest hurt when I got on the treadmill, so Christo put me on the stair monster. Why the hell would anyone invent a machine to simulate an activity rendered obsolete by elevators? Christo told me it would help me get in shape and enjoy life. He said some other crap too.
Butthole was waiting for me with his vampire-like teeth exposed as his thin, cruel lips were pulled back in a full snarl. I couldn't help being a half an hour late-- it took me that long to tie my shoes.
He took me to work out with dumbbells. When he was not looking, I ran and hid in the restroom. He sent some skinny witch to find me.
Then, as punishment, he put me on the rowing machine-- which I sank.
I hate that demon Christo more than any human being has ever hated any other human being in the history of the world. Stupid, skinny, anemic, anorexic, little aerobic instructor. If there was a part of my body I could move without unbearable pain, I would beat him with it.
Christo wanted me to work on my triceps I don't have any triceps! And if you don't want dents in the floor, don't hand me the darn barbells or anything that weighs more than a sandwich.
The treadmill flung me off and I landed on a health and nutrition teacher. Why couldn't it have been someone softer, like the drama coach or the choir director?
Satan left a message on my answering machine in his grating, shrilly voice wondering why I did not show up today. Just hearing his voice made me want to smash the machine with my planner; however, I lacked the strength to even use the TV remote and ended up catching eleven straight hours of the Weather Channel..
I'm having the Church van pick me up for services today so I can go and thank GOD that this week is over. I will also pray that next year my husband will choose a gift for me that is fun-- like a root canal or a hysterectomy. I still say if God had wanted me to bend over, he would have sprinkled the floor with diamonds!!!
If you read this without laughing out loud, there is something wrong with you This is dedicated to everyone who ever attempted to get into a regular workout routine.
Dear Diary,
For my birthday this year, I purchased a week of personal training at the local health club. Although I am still in great shape since being a high school football cheerleader 43 years ago, I decided it would be a good idea to go ahead and give it a try.I called the club and made my reservations with a personal trainer named Christo, who identified himself as a 26-year-old aerobics instructor and model for athletic clothing and swim wear.Friends seemed pleased with my enthusiasm to get started! The club encouraged me to keep a diary to chart my progress.
Started my day at 6:00 a.m. Tough to get out of bed, but found it was well worth it when I arrived at the health club to find Christo waiting for me. He is something of a Greek god-- with blond hair, dancing eyes, and a dazzling white smile. Woo Hoo!!
Christo gave me a tour and showed me the machines.. I enjoyed watching the skillful way in which he conducted his aerobics class after my workout today. Very inspiring!
Christo was encouraging as I did my sit-ups, although my gut was already aching from holding it in the whole time he was around. This is going to be a FANTASTIC week!!
I drank a whole pot of coffee, but I finally made it out the door. Christo made me lie on my back and push a heavy iron bar into the air then he put weights on it! My legs were a little wobbly on the treadmill, but I made the full mile. His rewarding smile made it all worthwhile. I feel GREAT! It's a whole new life for me.
The only way I can brush my teeth is by laying the toothbrush on the counter and moving my mouth back and forth over it. I believe I have a hernia in both pectorals. Driving was OK as long as I didn't try to steer or stop. I parked on top of a GEO in the club parking lot.
Christo was impatient with me, insisting that my screams bothered other club members.. His voice is a little too perky for that early in the morning and when he scolds, he gets this nasally whine that is VERY annoying.
My chest hurt when I got on the treadmill, so Christo put me on the stair monster. Why the hell would anyone invent a machine to simulate an activity rendered obsolete by elevators? Christo told me it would help me get in shape and enjoy life. He said some other crap too.
Butthole was waiting for me with his vampire-like teeth exposed as his thin, cruel lips were pulled back in a full snarl. I couldn't help being a half an hour late-- it took me that long to tie my shoes.
He took me to work out with dumbbells. When he was not looking, I ran and hid in the restroom. He sent some skinny witch to find me.
Then, as punishment, he put me on the rowing machine-- which I sank.
I hate that demon Christo more than any human being has ever hated any other human being in the history of the world. Stupid, skinny, anemic, anorexic, little aerobic instructor. If there was a part of my body I could move without unbearable pain, I would beat him with it.
Christo wanted me to work on my triceps I don't have any triceps! And if you don't want dents in the floor, don't hand me the darn barbells or anything that weighs more than a sandwich.
The treadmill flung me off and I landed on a health and nutrition teacher. Why couldn't it have been someone softer, like the drama coach or the choir director?
Satan left a message on my answering machine in his grating, shrilly voice wondering why I did not show up today. Just hearing his voice made me want to smash the machine with my planner; however, I lacked the strength to even use the TV remote and ended up catching eleven straight hours of the Weather Channel..
I'm having the Church van pick me up for services today so I can go and thank GOD that this week is over. I will also pray that next year my husband will choose a gift for me that is fun-- like a root canal or a hysterectomy. I still say if God had wanted me to bend over, he would have sprinkled the floor with diamonds!!!
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