I was asked to put this on the blog and I had to laugh because I am such a horrible writer, I write like I talk so it gets a little "wordy" (no comments) but it was something I mentioned in class during your final savasana...maybe you can relate..maybe it will mean something to you...if so I am glad and if not I'm still glad!
I celebrated my 15th wedding anniversary this week and did you know that it's the year of the "clock"?! You know that thing that Hallmark probably came up with I'm not sure but each year there's a special gift....your 1st anniverary is PAPER...your 5th anniversary is WOOD?....25th anniversary SILVER...and 50th anniversary of course your GOLDEN!
How in the world do people come up with these? It got me really thinking...Hummm....1st anniversary okay PAPER? Maybe to write down all those blissful wonderful things to each other because heck it's your 1st year of marriage and you are still in that in love stage that the other can do no wrong...RIGHT!
And maybe I get your 50th and why it's GOLDEN..Gold is a precious metal, something refined, smooth all those rough ages are soft, worn and comfortable...I can get GOLDEN! But really 15 years is a CLOCK? What's up with that?
Well maybe because at 15 years it's not been THAT long since you've been a newlywed. You can still remember how sweet things were, marriage is still young, maybe your just getting settled in. But yet it's been long enough where maybe you are looking into your future, retirement or maybe you have kids and they are getting older so you can start to see life as a "couple" again.
SO maybe that's where this CLOCK comes in....it reminds you to be in the PRESENT....stop looking back, you can't change it, it's shaped you into who you are as a person and a couple, and stop looking into the future, it will happen EXACTLY how it's suppose to happen so don't rush it..enjoy the PRESENT...a CLOCK...TIME...BE IN THE MOMENT!
Yep I don't know if time on the mat has taught me to live in the moment or if at times I've been so busy looking back and waiting for the future that I forgot the MOMENT! Maybe we all need a big clock that just states "It's Your Time".
You are exactly where you are suppose to be so be in it!
Give a clock...slow down...Love life....Breathe
I'd love to hear from you....share your ideas/thoughts....blessings to each of you!