Friday, March 5, 2010

March IN!

Wow so many wonderful things happening at the "house!"

Teacher Training coming to Hot Yoga House has been a dream of mine since I first opened the yoga studio. I love to share yoga and by sharing it with alike minded people who want to in-turn share makes that dream a reality! Yoga truly can be for everyone, no maybe not "hot" yoga but that's just the physical part of yoga. Living yoga should be our intention.

But what does that really mean? Well simply put you've all heard it before, follow the "Golden Rule"...treat others kinder....more gentle....less harmful...slow down....breathe...find patience.....UGH sometimes those are just to dang hard aren't they! I mean let's be real...people cut you off while driving, you get stuck in traffic, there's that certain co-worker, a kid who just won't cooperate...the list could go on and on! BUT what all of those situations are, are just simply opportunities to see how you react to each situation. It's your chance to LIVE out your yoga...take it off the mat....maybe don't react to the person who is driving on your bumper...just breathe!

It's exciting to see all the new faces and I am so pleased that my "regulars" have reached out and made all our new folks feel like family. I love to see hugs, smiles and well wishes as new folks come's like a big family...all cheering each other on.

Love to you all on this BEAUTIFUL March day...The SUN FINALLY!

See you at the "house!"

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